Contents Page

On this contents page I really like the image. It makes Kanye West look very serious and down to business but that is then contrasted by the arm coming over his shoulder and onto his heart. This suggests that he is into partying and is a wild boy at heart. The use of this arm suggests that he is trying to move forwsrd in life and create a new beginning but his past keeps holding him back. This means that his journey to where he is now was a struggle and he is still fighting a battle with his past. This shows that he is a stong man and was determinded to reach his dream and wasnt prepared to stop until he got there.

Another thing I like about this contents page is how it breaks the conventions of what you expect on a contens page.This contents page is split into 3 parts, this is common across this magazine as most of their issues are split into 3 like this. You can see this because it says 1/3 next to where it says 'CONTENTS'. Also, where it says contents is relevant to the magazine because that is also split into 3, like 'CO' 'NTEN' 'TS'. Another way this contents page breaks the conventions is that the page numbers go from back to front. This is the first out of the 3 pages but the page numbers are from theback of the magazine. I really like this as it breaks the norms and adds some variety. I will try and include something similar to this on my contents page as it deffienately makes it less boring.

One thing that I dislike about the contents page is that there is a lot of space. It could be spaced out a bit more to fill the gaps or more could be put on the page just to use up the space available. I will try and avoid leaving gaps on my contens page as it makes it empty and uncreative.

All in all I really like this contens page and will try and model mine around this. It is convinent for me because this also is about rap as Kanye West is a rapper so this would be a good template for me.

On this contents page I also like the use of the image, but I like the simplicity or the page as a whole. It hasnt got many page numbers, so it doesnt look to crowded and crammed, but it has all the main stories on this contents page. The image makes it look like 50 cent is going through a hard time but the image in the bottom right corner suggests that this is no problem to him. You can tell this by his facial expression. He looks like a very serious man which shows that beng serious is waht you need to make it to the top. The simplicity shows that being at the top can lead to a very boring and lonely life as you have no real friends. I think the use of image/images on a contents page is very important to the success of the page.

Another thing I like about this contents page is that it breaks the conventions of a standard contents page. It does this by spreading the page numbers out across the page. Most magazines will have them in one list but this has them all over the place. Also, this contents page is spread out over a couple of pages because the page numbers to not start from 1. This seems to be a fairly common feature with contents pages. I do like the idea of this but my contents page will be over 1 page only.

One thing I dislike about this contents page is that it is quite difficult to read some of the page numbers. The page numbers is what this whole page is about and if you can't read them, there is not much point in having a contents page. I will try and avoid this on my contens page and make sure that everything is clear so that you can find what you want to with ease.

Overall, I like this contents page and the layout of it, but it could do with being a bit clearer. Also I prefer the first one that I have analysed and will try and model mine around that a bit more than this one.

I dislike this contens page because it is very boring and very simple. All the page numbers are squashed into the top right corner and do not use the space effectively. There is a lot of blank space on here and it looks very unprofessional. There is nothing eye-catching about this contents page and I would deffinately not be interested in reading on if I saw this. The fact that there is a lot of blank space shows that eithet the person that made this is very lazy or he is just not skilled enough to make a magazine. This could deffinately be improved by spreading out the page numbers a little.

Another thing I dislike is the colour scheme. The black and white is very boring however it could look smart but the way this whole contents page is layed out, it does not look very good. Also, the chains on this neck are not very visable because they are silver/white on a white background which is just pointless. A few more colours such as red could have been added in to make it look a bit more lively and maybe use more black on the page instead of just the text and the person in the image's sun glasses. The white t-shirt on the white background also does not work as it gives no deffinition to the image. I will try and avoid this on my contents page as I will try and interest the reader and engage their interest.

Overall, I think this contents page is awful and needs a lot of work and I will try my best to make mine more interesting than this and keep the readers attention and focus. I will try and add more colour to the contens page and not leave soo much blank space.

Draft Contents Page

Final Contents Page

Testing My Production

I have tried to test my production on people as near to my target audience as possible. My taregt audience is males aged 16-27 with a secondary audience of older males. Rap music's popularity has increased and become more mainstream since Jay-Z's Glastonbury's headline appearance. Never the less my media audience is predominantly younger males. I have made my focus group this age. My focus group:
  • Shiv - 16, Student
  • Greg- 17, Student
  • James - 19, Employed
  • Jordan - 16, Student

 Focus Group

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